The Disciple Maker Index Survey is Open! Our parish is on a journey to know, love, and serve Christ as a parish community. Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.
The very first step in this process involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) comes in! The DMI is an important survey tool that invites you to reflect on your discipleship journey here at St. Joseph Parish.
If you prefer a paper copy, you may pick up your survey after daily and Sunday Masses. They will be located by the baptismal font. To submit the completed paper survey, please drop off at the Parish Office.
At St. Joseph Parish, we are blessed in so many ways. Together, we will identify our strengths and opportunities in greater detail as we strive to grow in missionary discipleship.
Please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and protection of our parish.